
Bloor Homes showhome wins Blue Peter Badge

A local schoolgirl who designed a bedroom in the new showhome at the Bloor Homes development in Standish, has received a Blue Peter badge for her amazing creativity.

Alice Waterworth, 8, and her sister came up with a magical fairy-tale theme room for the Bloor Homes at Standish Grange development, where she lives. The national housebuilder with the help of Cheshire based interior designers Interior Motives, incorporated Alice’s winning ideas into the room’s furnishings and décor.

Alice was so proud of her design that she wrote to Blue Peter to tell the team and was thrilled to be presented with the badge.

Alice said: "Winning a Blue Peter badge is a really special achievement for me. My sister and I love drawing and I put all my imagination into the show home design.

"The ideas that my sister and I had for the room included beautiful crystal chandelier and decorative swing, while the whole theme was inspired by fairy-tales."

Bloor Homes has also donated £1,000 to help St Marie’s Catholic Primary School in Standish, where Alice’s mum Catherine Waterworth teaches.

The national housebuilder has contributed towards the school’s MUGA (Multi Use Games Arena) fundraising project. The contribution from Bloor Homes will be used for their outdoor arena to improve the pupil’s physical activities.

Catherine said: "It was great to see Alice and Beatrice’s design brought to life at the showhome of the development where we live, but now that they have won Blue Peter badge we are over the moon. We are extremely proud of them.

"Bloor Homes has been so supportive in each activity we’ve been involved – from the buying experience at the development, to bringing to life the imaginative design and donating towards our school MUGA project. Their sponsorship will make a significant difference to our children’ well-being."

Sarah Ransom, Regional Marketing Manager at Bloor Homes North West, said: "We are so pleased that our donation to the school is going to be used in such a worthy way. We are always keen to help the local communities in which we build.

"We were very impressed with Alice and Beatrice’s design, so it’s no surprise that Blue Peter has recognised their talent and hard work. Their fantastic design looks superb in our new showhome and has been a talking point among the visitors to the development."
