
Iconic Greig Hall Launches as ‘Symbol of Community’ in Alcester

Alcester’s community has come together to celebrate the Grand Opening of The Greig Hall following years of dedication from a group of volunteers who campaigned and fundraised to save the local iconic building.

In 2010 the Hall faced demolition as a result of financial difficulties associated with the upkeep of the main building.

Dignitaries, local businesses, volunteers and members of the local community attended the Grand Opening in February, marking a new lease of life for the Hall as a community events and arts venue.

Cllr Kathryn Cargill, Mayor of Alcester, said: “Once the 125-year lease from the District Council to the Town Council had been signed, years of campaigning had been successful, and the Hall was saved for Alcester.”

The campaign had sparked a huge community effort to restore the iconic Hall, making it a true ‘symbol of community’.

Fast forward to 2023 and the Hall’s revamp is complete. The extensive refurbishment has been achieved through unwavering support from volunteers and local businesses, and a partnership between Alcester Town Council and the Trustees of the new Greig Hall Charity.

It has been paid for through grants, a Town Council loan, fundraising and initiatives, including a £26,900 ‘built facilities’ financial contribution paid by Bloor Homes’ Western Region, as a community-focused planning obligation in its S106 Agreement with Stratford on Avon District Council, in respect of its Alcester Park development nearby.

Working alongside other local businesses supporting the Hall’s renovation, Bloor Homes has also donated building materials, while its marketing department offered its expertise, advising and supporting the Board of Trustees with the Grand Opening.

Andrew Matheson, Chair of the Trustees said: “The Greig Hall was given to the town by successful businessman, David Greig, in memory of his wife Hannah Susan Greig who was dedicated to working for and with the youth of Alcester. Over the years the Hall’s purpose was extended to support the whole community and we had all grown up with it – a true community focal point for the whole town. We are both humbled by and extremely proud of the community, volunteers, donors and many, many supporters who have made its relaunch possible. And with a 125 year lease from the District Council and a 25 year sublease from the Town Council to the Trustees, its future is secured for the next generation and beyond.”

Steve Roberts, Managing Director at Bloor Homes’ Western region, said: “It is incredibly important to Bloor Homes that we always contribute to the communities that we build in, but this project really has been special. It’s not very often we have the opportunity to contribute to a cause with such historical and community significance, and where we can provide both practical and financial support. We are delighted to have played a part in helping to secure a legacy for all residents in Alcester. Both Andrew Winstone, our Planning Manager and Holly Keer, our Marketing Manager, have really enjoyed working on this project with the Board of Trustees. We wish everyone involved every success for the future.”


To book The Greig Hall email: greighall@gmail.com
