Chosen charity Harrys Pals receives Bloor Homes donation
South Midlands charity ‘Harry’s Pals’ has received a donation from Bloor Homes’ South Midlands region.
South Midlands charity ‘Harry’s Pals’ has received a donation from Bloor Homes’ South Midlands region.
Harry’s Pals provides emotional support to parents who have recently been given the heart-breaking and life changing news that their son or daughter has a severe illness or disability. The small charity was set up by Hayley Charlesworth to help bridge the huge support gap that Hayley and her family experienced when her son Harry was born with significant brain damage in 2015.
The charity knows the impact of not being able to receive any emotional support following a diagnosis and the impact that this has on a parent’s ability to cope. It is keen to help as many families as possible to feel supported, so they can anticipate and to avoid harrowing problems down the line.
To do this Harry’s Pals offers bespoke counselling and therapy which is carefully selected to meet each parent’s needs, allowing mums and dads to get help with their mental health, allowing them to feel stronger and more resilient, and to find coping mechanisms for the road ahead.
The charity also provides families with the opportunity to have a short break away, free from routines and appointments, allowing them to make lasting, positive memories when time is so precious. Importantly, the charity also campaigns for better support to be offered to families affected by disability.
Carl Slater, Regional Managing Director for Bloor Homes South Midlands, said: “Each year our office staff vote for a charity to support with the funds raised from our ‘dress down Fridays’. This year they had overwhelmingly chosen Harry’s Pals for the fantastic work it carries out, and together we raised £444.56 through the initiative. Thank you to everyone who took part.”
Hayley Charlesworth, Founder at Harry’s Pals said: “We’d like to thank all the Bloor Homes staff for taking part in the dress down Fridays and raising this donation for Harry’s Pals. Every penny counts when helping families who find themselves under the most difficult of circumstances and we want to be able to help everyone who comes to us for support. We are a unique charity in the services that we are offering and it’s a constant worry to get the funding that we need to keep up with the demand. Donations from business like Bloor Homes really help. Thank you.
“If anyone would like to support Harry’s Pals, please do consider making a donation by going to or taking part in ‘Dry January Harry’ please follow Harry’s Pals on Facebook or visit our website.”
More information can be found at