Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

J.S. Bloor (Services) Limited (“Bloor Services”) is responsible for the provision of labour, procurement of materials and home design services to a fellow Group Company Bloor Homes Limited (“Bloor Homes”). Bloor Homes is a developer of new housing and the activities of Bloor Services is therefore aligned to that of Bloor Homes.

Bloor Services and Bloor Homes are committed to the principles of equal pay for all our employees.  We value our employees and promote an inclusive and diverse work force.

Under legislation that came into force in April 2017, UK employers with more than 250 employees are required to publish annually their gender pay gap information.  The gender pay gap shows the difference in average hourly pay between women and men.  It is different to equal pay, which relates to what women and men are paid for the same or similar jobs or work of equal value.

The data below shows our mean and median hourly gender pay gap and bonus gap as at the snapshot date (i.e. 5 April 2023 (pay) and in the 12-month reference period to 5 April 2023 (bonus).  At that time, we employed 314 women and 894 men.


Statutory Data

Mean and median pay and bonus:

  Mean  Median 
                Gender Pay Gap (%)  27.72 27.02
                Bonus Pay Gap (%) -4.05 -121.13


Proportion of employees receiving a bonus (%):

                Men   93
                Women  93


Proportion of employees in each pay quartile (%):

                Quartile    Men  Women 
                Upper 90 10 
                Upper Middle  82 18 
                Lower Middle 51 49
                Lower 73 27


We are confident that men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs across our business.  Our gender pay gap is a result of the demographic in the construction industry, with 74% of our workforce being men.  There are fewer women across the whole business and there are also fewer women in senior management positions, which is the major factor in our gender pay gap.

In calculating the bonus gap, we are required to include commission payments as well as one off or regular bonuses.  Our bonus gap is reflective of there being more women than men in sales roles where commission payments make up a larger part of remuneration. 

Declaration: I confirm that the information and data provided in this report is accurate and in line with the UK Government’s Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Din Mehta

